Imposter Syndrome Part Two

Humble Rising E76 Imposter Syndrome Part Two

[00:00:00] We all deserve to have fulfilling careers and lives. We deserve to experience joy and peace, and freedom, and all of those things that make us feel truly alive.

[00:00:20] It takes a lot of courage for us to take the reins in our lives and take action that honors the deepest parts of ourselves in this current season of life. It takes a lot of courage to lean into growing and to lean into learning, and to know when it's time to make a change. I’m Arivee. I'm a first generation Latina, mom of three, and life and high performance coach to women just like you.

[00:00:50] And this podcast is for all of us looking to grow and learn and explore what a joyful and fulfilling life and [00:01:00] career can look like. And how to start living into that life right now. We're going to go deep, and we're going to honor our truth in this podcast, and the best thing is we're gonna do it together.

[00:01:13] So welcome to the Humble Rising Podcast.

[00:01:25] Last week, we started talking about imposter syndrome. What it is, where the phrase originated from, and some strategies to navigate it. Remember that signs of imposter syndrome could include thinking that your success wasn't earned or that it was just luck, that you don't deserve your success or achievements, or that you don't deserve to be in the spaces that you're in.

[00:01:50] It could be thinking that you're a fraud, feeling like you're going to be found out, feeling anxiety over every mistake or [00:02:00] imperfection with your work. Or maybe you simply find it difficult to take credit for your accomplishments, right? Saying, “I don't deserve this promotion. I don't deserve this opportunity or this job. [00:02:10] Or it was because of my mentors, because of other things.” Not because of what you did in your work. And sometimes it just feels like you think other people are overestimating you and your abilities. There are thoughts about how amazing your work is, doesn't match your view of yourself. So their view kind of exceeds your confidence level.

[00:02:29] Now, I promised you that I'd share some additional strategies for navigating imposter syndrome, and before I do that, which I will do, I do want to share some additional recent research to deepen our understanding and our awareness of imposter syndrome. I also want to share it because I want you to know that you're not alone and that so many people experience this.

[00:02:53] And I want you to feel and know that when you are in a room of a lot of people, chances are a lot of those [00:03:00] people feel this way. So I just wanna give you that context. So recent research shows that imposter syndrome comes up most often in people who are high achievers. And you know, even a recent study showed that 70% of people, 70% of people have experienced imposter syndrome.

[00:03:21] Now, the research also shows that more junior people are more likely to feeling like an imposter. So that research is 45% of young professionals compared with 30% of more seasoned professionals said they doubt their abilities. For women specifically, more than half of women said they have felt like imposters compared to only 24% of men [00:03:48] according to one study by Heriot-Watt University and the School for CEOs.

Now, when it comes to women of color, a 2019 report from and McKinsey & [00:04:00] Company found that 45% of women of color have been the only person of their gender in corporate realms. And the number is even higher for women in STEM fields.

[00:04:13] This number is obviously not surprising, right? This is not a surprise, and you probably have observed this or experienced this yourself, whether you're a woman, a woman of color, or an ally, right? Research also shows that racial identity is predictive of imposter syndrome among high achieving individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.

[00:04:34] So feeling that you're an imposter can thrive in black and Latina women in professional and academic settings when they don't see themselves represented in leadership positions. Only 58 black women and 71 Latinas are promoted for every 100 men who are promoted to management positions. Let me say that again.[00:05:00] 

[00:05:00] Only 58 black women and 71 Latina men are promoted for every 100 men who are promoted to management positions, and that's according to a 2020 report by and McKinsey & Company. That same report found that only 3% of women of color held C-suite positions in 2020 compared with 66% of white men. So you can see how imposter feelings may be more likely felt [00:05:38] by black and Latinas in these professional settings when you're not seeing people who look like you in leadership positions. It makes you feel like this is not a space for me. This is not a place where I can climb this ladder. This is not a place where I'll be supported, because if this was that kind of place, I'd see people a little bit more like me in these [00:06:00] positions.

[00:06:01] Now if we think of women of color leaders, women who have literally changed the world with their words, their actions, their leadership, and people who are straight up trailblazers, many of them have said that they've experienced some form of imposter syndrome. Okay? Even Michelle Obama, the Michelle Obama, who graduated from Princeton University, which you know is one of the best schools in the world, and then went to Harvard Law School, [00:06:29] another amazing law school. She is only the third First Lady in our history in this country, in the US, to hold a postgraduate degree. I'm gonna say that again. There've been a lot of First Ladies, but she's only the third one in US History to hold a postgraduate degree. And her list of achievements in her role as First Lady and before she became First Lady and then after she was First Lady, are beyond impressive.[00:07:00] 

[00:07:00] And despite all of that work, all her accomplishments, all of the accolades she's received, our former First Lady said at an event in London while promoting her book ‘Becoming’, so this was not that long ago, that she still sometimes experiences imposter syndrome. Michelle Obama people, has said that she too, has feelings of being an imposter.

[00:07:24] Let's take another powerhouse. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She is the first Latina Supreme Court Justice. She has admitted to feeling like a fraud and not fitting in throughout her life. She has said she never thought of herself as a likely candidate for Princeton University where she went to undergrad.

[00:07:44] She once said in a speech, and this is a quote, “I have spent my years since Princeton while at law school and in my various professional jobs, not feeling completely a part of the worlds I inhabit. I [00:08:00] am always looking over my shoulder, wondering if I measure up.” Let's go to another powerhouse. I mean, I just gave you, Michelle Obama has felt it.

[00:08:09] Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has felt this, wondering if she has measured up since her days at Princeton. This is a long time to feel that way. And now I'm gonna turn your attention to the one, the only, Miss Maya Angelou, the civil rights activist, the author, the poet. She admitted that at times she often felt like a fraud.

[00:08:31] Once saying, and this is a quote, “I have written 11 books, but each time I think ‘Uh-oh, they're going to find out now. I've run a game on everybody and they're going to find me out.” Now, I can't even tell you, and I think I shared this with you in the previous. I can't even tell you exactly what they have said.

[00:08:55] Maya Angelou, Sonia Sotomayor [00:09:00] and Michelle Obama. The things they have said, like, “Oh, I'm always wondering if I measure up. I'm always looking in my shoulder like, am I gonna be found out now? Uh-oh, they're gonna find me out now with this assignment.” Those were exactly my thoughts, especially when I was earlier in my career.

[00:09:13] Do they still come up a little bit? Yeah, they do. They do. But I recognize them as just thoughts and I have a choice whether to believe them and I don't choose to believe them. But I've had to practice that and reframe a lot of my thoughts over time. But this is just to give you a sense of heiress, these are powerhouse trailblazers.

[00:09:32] These are incredible women who have achieved things that many people in the world will never achieve. And they still have this feeling of, “Are they gonna find me? Do I really measure up? These spaces that just, I don't know if I measure up to this.” I want you to understand that it's the way you feel is the way others have felt, and I want you to know that it's obviously possible.

[00:09:56] It's possible to navigate these feelings and still be [00:10:00] everything you know you can be. It's still possible to feel this way, to think thoughts, and then choose to believe something different, to continue to fulfill your potential. So now as I promised, I am gonna share with you some additional strategies and ways you can mitigate the negative effects of imposter syndrome.

[00:10:19] How can you continue to navigate it? So number one, and I have four more for you in this episode. Number one, recognize imposter type thoughts when they come up. So awareness is always the first step to change. So ensure that you're tracking these thoughts, like what they are and when specifically they come up for you. Not just like, “Oh, when I'm at work.”

[00:10:43] No, no, no, no, no. When specifically do they come up for you? Is it in certain meetings? Is it when talking about certain people? Is it when you're doing certain tasks? When specifically are they coming up for you? And what is exactly the thought you're having? Okay? Remember, thoughts are just thoughts. [00:11:00] You don't have to necessarily believe them.

[00:11:03] They aren't you. Thoughts are not you. If you catch yourself thinking, for example, that you're useless, you don't know anything, reframe it. Consider another perspective in your mind. You could reframe it to the fact that I feel useless, the fact that I feel like I don't know anything. Right now, doesn't mean that I am really useless.

[00:11:27] It doesn't mean that I don't really know anything. I just have this thought, “Oh, how can I shift my perspective on that? How can I look at this from a different angle?” Okay, so that's the first step. Recognizing when these thoughts emerge. Be very specific about when you're thinking about this. When are they coming up for you?

[00:11:48] And remembering that these are just thoughts you're having. We have thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of thoughts each day. Can you imagine if we believe everything we thought? Don't fall into that trap. [00:12:00] Okay? So number one, recognize imposter thoughts when they emerge, when they come up for you and recognize you don't have to believe your first thought.

[00:12:08] Number two, the power of ‘yet’, it is my favorite. I tell myself this all the time. “I don't know that yet. I'm not great at that yet.” Because you know what, you are learning. So instead of telling yourself, “They're gonna find me out”, or telling yourself that you don't deserve success, or that “Mm, I'm successful because of all the people who helped me.”

[00:12:33] Yes, yes, yes, yes. People did support you and mentor you and help you, but you know what you did? You did the work. You did more work than others have done. You've likely been through a lot of challenges and you've navigated them. So yeah, you did have support and some of you, some of you didn't have so much support, right?

[00:12:53] But you're still here. You still did the work. You still busted your behind to get to where you are. Sometimes, [00:13:00] working harder to just catch up. I relate to that. So instead of you telling yourself that they're gonna find you out, you don't deserve the success, remind yourself one of all you've achieved, right?

[00:13:10] We talked about that in the first episode. But also remind yourself that it is normal not to know everything and that you will find out more as you learn, as you practice, as you progress. You are learning and study, after study shows that the most effective way to learn and get better at something is by doing the thing you're trying to get better at.

[00:13:36] Think about it as lawyers, law school is not the place where you learn how to practice law. Yes. Maybe if you do a semester in practice or you do a clinic, like a civil litigation clinic or a corporate transactions clinic, maybe you do get some more exposure into what it's actually like, but it's still very limited because you're a student.

[00:13:56] But if you don't even have that limited exposure, you have no idea [00:14:00] what it's like to actually practice until you're in it and doing it every single day for hours on repeat. On repeat, on repeat. Doctors, same thing. They're in medical school, but you know what they have to do? They gotta go be medical interns.

[00:14:14] Then they have to go be residents before they can be attending physicians or can go work in private practice. They have to do the thing to know how to do the thing. They're learning, right? So who you are as an intern is now who you're gonna be as a fourth year resident. You know so much more because you've seen so many different cases.

[00:14:33] You've seen so many different patients. How about parenting? Ooh, I could go on about parenting. I read so many books before I became a mom. And even when my first was a baby and a toddler, I read so many books about how to raise a thriving child, how to deal with when they're irrational beings and you can't reason with them.

[00:14:53] And I learned, oh my gosh, they're cave people. Literally, they do not have the brain development at that point to have a rational [00:15:00] conversation with you. Like they don't have that. A friend recently shared that he felt like you don't know what it's like to be a parent until you're actually parenting and you actually have a child, and it's true.

[00:15:13] You're learning along the way about what works for you, about what works for your family and your child, and how to navigate life as a family. And now once you have an infant and then maybe you have another child, you then learn how to do that. So you have an infant or you have a baby, and then you know, maybe two years later you have another child.

[00:15:34] You remember, “Okay, I know how to change a diaper. I know how we like to do our schedules.” So you learn when you should and don't need to call the doctor, right? If the baby has a fever, You learn how you are as a parent, like what your threshold is, what level of patience you have, what level of presence you have when you're with your kids, and you learn to adjust those things as you go. [00:16:00] Because you can only adjust through being a parent and giving yourself feedback on how it's going and how you can be more of the parent you wanna be.

[00:16:10] But you're in the parenting, like as you're learning, you're learning, you're learning, you're giving yourself feedback. You're trying to get better, but you're still learning. And yes, it's true that by the time I had number three, I was like, “Okay, I know how to do this infant thing. Like I've done it twice already.” Right?

[00:16:27] But now my oldest, who's eight, is school age and is second grade. And now I'm learning new things about what that means to have a school-aged child. Right? What we're talking about, in terms of accepting and telling yourself, you're learning as a parent is the same thing. When you're at work, you're learning. You're not going to know everything. And the more you practice and the more you experience and the more experience you actually have, the better you get.

[00:16:58] The more you will know [00:17:00] and the more confident you will become. This does not mean you will always have the answer, or that even with 10 to 20 years of experience, you're gonna know everything. No, that's not what I'm saying because you still won't know it all. No one does. And the people who act like they know it all, be very wary of them.

[00:17:16] Like, I don't trust that. I don't think I have in the past, like way, way back in my career, but I don't think in the past eight or nine years, 10, 11 years, have I really worked with people who think they know it all. Everyone I've worked with is like, “Okay, I know I don't know everything. What can you teach me to?”

[00:17:35] But what I'm saying is that when you don't know something, you are more likely to put that into its own container where it belongs, right? That container of, “Okay, this is something that I don't know yet.” And you're less likely to internalize that as a personal character. Right? You will adopt more of a growth mindset and you are more able to say to yourself, “Hey, you don't know this yet. [00:18:00] That's okay. You're learning.” Or you can say, “I'll learn more about that so I can better understand this conversation in the room the next time.” Or, “I'm gonna go learn more about that because I wanna participate in a different way the next time.” All right, so it's that power of ‘yet’. “I don't know this thing yet.

[00:18:19] I'm learning. I'm not better at this yet. I'm not great at this yet, but I wanna get really good at it so I know I'm gonna work hard and have more experiences. Get myself in there. So I'm in it and I'm gonna learn and I'm gonna learn and I will be great at it, but I'm not there yet and that's okay ‘cause I'm learning.”

[00:18:36] All right, so number two is that power of ‘yet’. That power of saying ‘yet’. Number three, and this one is a little tricky and I'll explain why in a minute, but number three is how could you harness your imposter thoughts as an empowerment tool, right? How can you use this thought that you're an imposter as fuel, [00:19:00] as fuel to be better? I've definitely seen that in the past and others, and I have personally done that in the past, but remember, when it reaches a point where it is at the expense of your well-being and your self-worth, your feelings of self-worth, that's when it's gone too far. You're not using it as an empowerment tool anymore.

[00:19:20] You're using it to harm yourself. So let me give you an example. When I was working in a big law firm as a junior associate, years and years and years ago, I was one of those people who felt like a fish out of water. I felt so different. I felt incredibly undeserving of being there. I was that person who was like, “Oh, I'm wondering if, you know, they're gonna find me out anytime with this next assignment.”

[00:19:43] I felt like I wasn't smart, as smart as my colleagues, they were quote unquote better because again, at that time I had the thought that they were better and smarter because they went to Harvard. Right? And I'll be honest, back then I wasn't a fast writer. I had just gone out of law school. I wasn't a fast writer.[00:20:00] 

[00:20:00] I wasn't a fast researcher. I didn't have much confidence in my abilities to do those things. I quadruple-checked. I would say even checked more than that, anything I wrote in an email, a research memo, and let me explain this for one second. Let me explain reasons why I did that. Not just because I was not as confident in my abilities, but also because when you're at a law firm, and maybe it's not every law firm, but I have a lot of people that I know who have worked in large law firms as junior associates, and their experiences are similar to mine in the sense that if you have a typo in an email, someone's gonna let you know about that.

[00:20:38] Now, if I'm working with someone today and someone has a typo, I'm not gonna think twice about that person's intelligence. It's a typo. Get over it. Like that's how I feel about that. Mistakes happen, that's not indicative of your intelligence. But I remember, and as for the record, I don't think I had a typo in my emails, but I do remember when I was a second year associate and [00:21:00] this senior associate who I adored, like I adored her, I was writing an email and it had a summary of research I had done for the partner that we were both working for.

[00:21:13] And I was writing a quote from the case law and I emphasized words within the quotations and I said like, I cited the case, like do the case citation, right? And then after that, in parenthesis, I said, ‘emphasis added’ closed parenthesis, period. She wrote back to me. This is the senior associate who wrote back. The partner was on the email.

[00:21:37] I remember this. It was the senior associate and the partner on the email I had sent it. The senior associate wrote back to me directly, did not copy the partner, but she said to me, “Hey, next time it should be ‘emphasis supplied’, not emphasis added.” And I just wanna give this note to you that in an earlier email to me, she had put ‘emphasis added’.

[00:21:57] And I was confused. And so I asked her, and [00:22:00] she's like, “No, ‘emphasis supplied’ is the more formal way to say ‘emphasis added’. And because you're sending it to the partner, you have to use the ‘emphasis supplied’.” Can I tell you that in my head I was like, this is ridiculous? But to her and the email I said, “Okay, thank you.”

[00:22:14] You know, and you keep it moving. Right? And the next time you apply that and you always say ‘emphasis supplied’. But that's what I'm talking about. You start getting paranoid about stuff. You start like, “Oh, I have to use ‘emphasis supplied’ instead of ‘emphasis added’ because you're gonna get a comment about it and you wanna let that go, and you don't wanna have to deal with that.

[00:22:31] So you do the things you have to do to limit that kind of feedback coming back to you. Like, I'm gonna do it how everyone wants it so that no one complains about me not doing it the way that they want it. Even though either way is probably okay. Right? So I wanna make clear that it's not just that, at least when I was a junior associate, I know for others, well, you're not as confident yet and you're still figuring out because you haven't really practiced enough to have the competence and the experience, right?

[00:22:58] But I also wanna say that the type of [00:23:00] environment we were in was hypercritical as well. That does not help you necessarily build confidence when every single time you think you take a step forward, you're like, “Oh shoot.”, and you take a few steps back. But the difference for me was that I get annoyed by those things.

[00:23:15] Like that kind of feedback. Yes, I did. But I remember not internalizing it to the point where I was like, “Oh my gosh, it must have mean I'm stupid.” Like I didn't internalize it to that level and I didn't ruminate on it because let me tell you, it wasn't ‘cause I had an incredible strategy. It was because there was no time to ruminate on stuff like that.

[00:23:36] You had so much to do that you had to move on to the next thing, the next task, the next research project, the next case, the next brief, whatever it was. I wanna be clear that it's not just what you're bringing and the thoughts you're having, it's also the environment that impacts you and how you interact with your environment and what you make things mean.

[00:23:55] What you make things experience is what you make them mean [00:24:00] in your mind. All right? And here, look, I'm putting this out there because I passed the bar, right? I did well in law school. I wasn't dumb, right? I've made mistakes. And I was working my butt off. But here's the thing, overworking and I do think you overwork in large law firms, like no doubt in my mind you do that, at certain levels, [00:24:20] not at every law firm, but most, and at certain levels, and I don't wanna generalize too much, but I can be pretty confident about when you're a junior associate at a very large law firm and the goal’s a billable hour, that is a model for overwork. But overworking didn't show me from mistakes and slip-ups, like it just didn't.

[00:24:38] And what happened was I started getting praised for my performance, right? I was doing well. I had those slip ups, right? But I was still doing well according to others. And what happened was I started to hinge my self-worth on my productivity and performance at work. It became all about external validation.

[00:24:58] That's where [00:25:00] using imposter syndrome as a tool to fuel your learning and your growing can become harmful to you. That's when it goes too far, because now you've internalized that to feel good about yourself, to feel like you're worthy of occupying a space, and to walk those halls, you feel like, to feel good about that, you need to be validated at every turn.

[00:25:21] You need to be doing something excellent each time. You need to be performing all the time, and that there isn't room for error, and those are unreachable expectations. They're straight up dangerous expectations because perfection, you know, this is not attainable and somehow we still try to attain it, but it's not even attainable for anybody.

[00:25:40] So we can use imposter thoughts as fuel to be better at our craft, at our profession, at what we're doing, but make sure it doesn't become simply another way to beat yourself up, or another way to tell yourself that you'll never measure up. Truly using imposter thoughts as [00:26:00] motivation, and nothing more means you wouldn't attach your worth to your work product.

[00:26:05] You wouldn't attach your worth to external approval to external pleasing or external validation because you understand you as the person, is not you, the brief or the email. You are able to separate your value as a person from your work product that they see. Okay? So we wanna be really careful about this one.

[00:26:28] You harness imposter thoughts as an empowerment tool to push you further, to have you learn, to push you to get better. Mm, but not at your expense. Not at your personal expense of your self-worth, your feelings of enoughness. You gotta be really careful with that. And the fourth strategy, I can't believe we're already on four.

[00:26:51] The fourth strategy is, you know what? Process your thoughts with someone. Maybe it's a close friend, maybe it's a colleague. That really helped me, right? When I was, [00:27:00] when you're in a large law firm and you have a lot of colleagues who are your year, like a first year, second year, third year, [00:27:06] it is so amazing to walk to the hall and be like, “Let me just tell you something.” And you get support and you talk through something and you move on. It's not gossiping, it's not office gossip. It's not like that. You're not trying to create some drama. You're trying to talk through something with someone.

[00:27:21] And it really means something when someone gets it and someone's like, “Oh yeah, that person's like that, but you know what? We’re just gotta get through this case.” That's just helpful because you're like, “All right, I'm gonna try and get it. And you could have a friend that pushes you too.

[00:27:34] That's like, okay. So she said that to you. What are you making that mean? How are you interpreting that? How can you think about it differently? Like, that's really powerful too. So talk through your thoughts with someone. Maybe it is that close friend or a colleague I mentioned, or maybe it's a therapist or maybe it's a coach.

[00:27:52] It's better to have an open dialogue and express yourself and share your thoughts about things. Rather [00:28:00] than harboring negative thoughts alone, especially if it's really impacting you significantly, it's really good to just talk to someone about them and work through them and see how you can shift your thoughts a bit.

[00:28:11] It's so important to have that kind of support. You know, what support means, you know what relationships mean. And you know, from previous episodes that I've shared and previous posts I've had on LinkedIn, that one of the longest studies on happiness found that the key to happiness is relationships, is quality relationships.

[00:28:32] And so you have these relationships with people that are your close friends or colleagues, even a therapist and a coach, and they can be a source of support for you, and you can find joy in that as well. Now, I don't mean to throw you a curveball, but all that being said, I don't believe we can only focus on self-agency [00:28:51] and our personal power, right? We have so much power to live the life we want and to have the careers we wanna have. We have to create and evolve over [00:29:00] time through different seasons. We have different priorities and needs, and we want, and we have the ability to have the reins as much as possible. We don't wanna be in reactionary mode all the time in life.

[00:29:13] We don't wanna be reacting to life all the time. We wanna be more proactive and in the driver's seat, right? That is what you always hear me talk about. But when it comes to work in particular, and I could talk about home life and family life too, but I'm gonna talk about work only right now, there are limitations if your environment does not allow you to thrive the way that you know you deserve, or that you need.

[00:29:38] Right? On the other hand, I believe in my heart that when you, that when an environment and the leaders in that space support you, and you take the reins, when you have that kind of support and where you feel included and where you feel like you belong, that's the game changer. That's that sweet spot where I truly believe anything is possible for anyone in that position.

[00:29:59] [00:30:00] All right, so we have to be cognizant of our own power, but also that you can't control everything and that your environment is really important. You have to think of the environments you're in, the spaces you're in, and how they do or do not support you. Okay? Now, my hope, my hope is always, is that you not only listen to this episode and take in the information and hopefully have come to understand and become more aware of things, but that you also implement at least one strategy for yourself.

[00:30:37] Choose one and see how, see how it works. And then move on to trying another one and so on. So maybe you try one and then you try one and you try a second one. So you're doing two. Now, don't overwhelm yourself. Don't do them all. Don't be an overachiever with this, folks. Like, come on, like I need you to break that cycle.

[00:30:58] Focus on one first. And [00:31:00] I'm talking to you like that because it's something that I do. I'm like, “Oh, I'll do them all. I wanna change. So I wanna do them all.” And then I'm like, gone week two when I've done nothing ‘cause it's too overwhelming. Start with one, start with something and see how that feels and go from there.

[00:31:16] There's really no pressure at all. Just be open to doing something different. To see yourself differently. To think differently. And all this is about getting you to own all of your greatness. That's what this is about. It's to get you to own all of your greatness through shifting your thoughts and your mindset and through action.

[00:31:38] That's what this is about. So your marching orders, if you choose to accept them, ‘cause this is always an invitation. Always an invitation, right? Your marching orders, should you choose to accept them, is to try one strategy from this episode or the previous one and see how it works for you. Give it a try. I'll see you next time.[00:32:00] 

[00:32:07] Thank you so much for listening. If you’re a woman lawyer or a woman working in other fast-paced corporate environments, and you're looking less overwhelmed and unsure and more empowered and fulfilled in your career and your personal life, join my Women Empowering Women email community by going to to sign up, or you can click the link in the note of this episode.

[00:32:38] Don't forget to also grab my five step guide on how to get clarity on what needs to change to feel good about your life in this season, and how to make that change happen. You can get it or scroll down in the notes to this episode and click on the link. Finally, if you're loving [00:33:00] these episodes, spread that love by reviewing and rating this podcast so we can get more women feeling heard, feeling seen, inspired, and empowered.

[00:33:11] Until then, remember that you have way more power than you can imagine to create the change you want and deserve in your life, to live a life you feel good about. You're powerful now. So harness it. Now is your time.


Happiness and relationships


Feliz Pascua