What I’ve learned

I’ve been in a career and life transition. Here’s what I’ve learned so far.

🥹It is ok to mourn a previous lifestyle, job, role, title, and career, especially if you moved on to pursue the most aligned and truer version of you. Lots of tears are OK. We can’t hold onto the stress of keeping our emotions in. Let the emotions be.

🤯Let it feel messy and uncomfortable. My brain is looking for comfort, the pinging and emailing from people who need something. It’s wanting to read emails all the time because it’s what it knows. Delivering things and feeling good when it’s done well. My body is so used to doing constantly; my mind is used to going all of the time. Let those feelings wash over you. And no, I don’t like it either.

🥰Let your closest friends and community show up for you. This can be tough for me because I’m hyper independent. Anyone else? Some of the best texts I get during the day are from the friends who remind me it’s Ok to feel what I feel, and that this is an adjustment. I need those reminders.

It reminds me to surrender and that it’s ok to not need to be in control all the time.

🥳Be proud when you choose YOU, when you choose what’s most important to you and commit to a path not travelled. There is no blueprint for what I’m doing. Support, parallel paths, guidance? Yes. Blueprint? No.

Let me tell you, as a first gen Latina, statistics show I shouldn’t even have graduated high school. Forget college or law school, law firms or federal clerkships, or anything else.

My journey has been full of so much “catching up”, pushing myself, and fighting.

It’s been full of accomplisments and struggles, fears, doubts, resets, realignments, insane intention setting, identity shifts, and having to rediscover myself and OWN my truth and joy, again and again and again.

And this current period is one of evolution for me.

I’m still building upon a legacy on the shoulders of all my ancestors.

God, I hope they are proud 🩷

This time is scary, uncomfortable, beautiful, and exciting at the same time.

I’m open to everything it’s here to teach me so I can serve with a completely open heart when I come back in full force.

Because it’s coming. Wait for it 🔥

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Living in alignment