An Inside Look at #45
Before I think about any personal goals for the year, I always decide on a word that reflects my intention for the year.
An intention for the year is how you want to show up in the different parts of your life, how you can view challenges that arise, and how you can recenter yourself when there’s a lot going on and a lot to get done.
Last year, my word was redefine. I went from 2 kids to three and there were many changes in my life that I invited, but the transition was hard at times.
This year my word is EASE. The word EASE reminds me: what could make this easier? How can you let this be easier? How can I let go a bit more here?
EASE reminds me to pause, do some deep breathing, take the pressure off and do the next best thing in that moment. It’s to recognize I can’t do everything all at once, and that’s OK. I tell myself: Take. Your. Time.
It can be hard to remember in more challenging moments. That’s why the word EASE is on my wall. Seeing the word triggers what that word means for me and it can shift how I’m thinking.
In this episode of the Humble Rising Podcast, you’ll learn how to choose your word for your intention for the year. And you can check out the show notes to download a template for displaying your word on the wall too 🙌🏽
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