Surviving to thriving (II)

69: Cristina Costa (Part Two) – How to go from Surviving to Thriving

Arivee [00:00:00] We all deserve to have fulfilling careers and lives. We deserve to experience joy and peace, and freedom and all of those things that make us feel truly alive.

(Music Starts)

[00:00:20] It takes a lot of courage. For us to take the reins in our lives and take action that honors the deepest parts of ourselves in this current season of life. It takes a lot of courage to lean into growing and to lean into learning and to know when it's time to make a change. I'm Arivee, I'm a first-generation Latina, mom of three and life and high performance coach to women just like you, and this podcast is for all of us looking to grow and learn and explore what a joyful and fulfilling life and career can look like.

[00:01:01] And how to start living into that life right now. We're going to go deep and we're going to honor our truth in this podcast, and the best thing is we're gonna do it together. So welcome to the Humble Rising Podcast.

[00:01:25] Welcome back for part two of my two-part conversation with Cristina Costa. If you didn't catch the first episode, I need you to pause this episode and go back and listen to that one because this conversation is a continuation from the previous one, and I don't want you to miss anything. As a quick reminder, remember, Cristina is on a mission to empower people of color with the opportunity, mindset, and professional skills and confidence to succeed.

[00:01:55] She is the founder of Cristina Costa Coaching, where she offers career coaching to job seekers, career transitioners, and entrepreneurs. She also offers diversity, equity, and inclusion and human resources training to organizations across the technology, non-profit and other industries. She also serves as a community manager at Larnelle Vicker's Enterprises, where she's building the career journey, which is a supportive community for underserved career transitioners along their professional journey.

[00:02:31] Now this second half of our conversation, we start delving into what we learned from a young age, and I don't wanna give too much away. You'll have to listen to dig into this with us. So here is part two of my two-part conversation with Cristina.

[00:02:50] Cristina: We are all just being herded since the moment we go into school, even kindergarten.

[00:02:54] If you think about it, like you really had no choice of thought. Like, hey, you're gonna learn colors and shapes. What if that's not what you wanted to learn? (Arivee: Mm-hmm) What if your mind at four years old could like to pick up physics and. Really, like, understand different languages and like, and, and that's when we're the most malleable, right?

[00:03:11] That's when we have the most, our brains are sponges when we're little. (Arivee: Mm-hmm) like, there's so much we could be learning as young children. (Arivee: Mm-hmm) we're just not given those tools because I don't know who created it or who did the, but even,

[00:03:22] Arivee: and even how, even how kids learn, right? So, my son, he's seven.

[00:03:27] (Cristina: Mm-hmm.) And he is someone who. He has to stand while he does his work cuz he has so much energy. (Cristina: Mm-hmm) And then his therapist had talked about like, oh, maybe we should get him evaluated because if he has trouble, like if he has to be standing all the time, he has to be active. And I'm like, okay,

[00:03:43] Cristina: I don't sing someone,

[00:03:44] Arivee: I go, I go, yeah, but I was talking to my sister about this.

[00:03:47] I'm like, But I think that most children who are seven don't wanna be sitting for like a long period of time and they have breaks and they have a lot of stuff that they do. (Cristina: Yeah.) But some kids need even more activity and that's how they learn. (Cristina: Yeah.) So, so we've been working with him to like, see how does he, you give him a 900 piece Lego set and he can sit down and do that, but he needs to also be moving.

[00:04:10] And kids learn. It's like also like what are they learning? Can they choose it? And also, how they are engaging in the learning. Like we don't allow for that diversity. (Cristina: No.)

[00:04:19] Cristina: And or we just are quick to diagnose, oh, he has ADD, so you gotta put on (Arivee: That's right.) Imagine if you didn't have the time to really spend with him and advocate for him and go to the school.

[00:04:29] Right. Like and that's a lot of low-income parents. (Arivee: That's right.) They don't have that time. So what happens? Their kids then get diagnosed as whatever that then are on medication. from a young age that they become then dependent on them. (Arivee: Mm-hmm.) and then they think that they have this problem. Right. And then you're, they're self-diagnosing and then, you know, who knows what other psychological effects that have later on in the child's life.

[00:04:51] Right. So this country is just so quick to diagnose and try to solve instead of actually trying to get to the root of

[00:04:57] Arivee: like looking at the system. (Cristina: Yeah.) Looking at

[00:04:59] Cristina: at like get to the root, right? (Arivee: Yeah. Yeah.) And that's something too that I talk. just in my own life and, and, and coaching, is just understanding that, you know, I'm a huge believer in, in holistic medicine, holistic healing, because I do think the body.

[00:05:14] first of all, the body's incredible. You know, we need to listen to our bodies more. Our bodies are so intelligent and intuitive, and we never really take the time to listen to it. (Arivee: Yeah) and that's something I talk about with my clients is well, you know, cause I'll ask them like, how does that sit in your body?

[00:05:28] I'll tell you, a lot of my clients like an anxiety, they just feel, I work with a lot of black and brown women, um, and they feel psychologically unsafe in the workplace, constant anxiety because they just feel like they're on the chopping block or like they're being discriminated against, or they're being looked over or.

[00:05:43] you know, they're just not getting the support that they need. Um, they don't feel included, right? And so, all of those feelings, they don't just go away. And I tell people I'm like, that, that that does not just disappear. that metastasizes somewhere in your body. Right. And a lot of times my, my clients will have it, you know, they have it here in their chest.

[00:06:02] It's just the feeling (Arivee: Yes.) Tightness. Right. Of like, just feeling anxiety, like they can't breathe or like, you know, like it's hard. And, and I tell them, listen, that's your body telling you it doesn't feel safe. (Arivee: Yeah.) That's your body telling. that something needs to change. Because if you continue pushing that and you continue going and you continue putting your body through that, your body's gonna stop.

[00:06:25] Arivee: That’s 1000% facts right there. Your body.

[00:06:28] Cristina: it'll, it'll gimme the second on you. Oh, no. Diabetes. Whether it's a mental breakdown, whether it an anxiety tip, which I had last year, an anxiety attack, and it was terrifying. (Arivee: Yes.) Um, and I never wanna go through that again. And it was because I was working too hard. I was working Google and I was running a nonprofit and doing my coaching.

[00:06:47] I was doing too much and coaching certification, I was just doing a lot and I had just moved to New York. It was a lot of changes. A once at once, I had an anxiety attack and my whole body literally broke down on me and I real, I took a, I ended up taking a week off and went to Puerto Rico and unplugged, you know, and luckily I had the privilege to do that.

[00:07:05] (Arivee: yes.) But if you don't have that privilege, there's other things you can do to prioritize self care. And that's so important because at the end of the day, and I tell people this, like you have to put yourself first cuz they're not going to, your company is not gonna put you first human.

[00:07:19] Arivee: And it's also your job.

[00:07:20] It's your job to do that. Like, it's like you have to ask for what you need. You have to, and it's hard for us, I think it is hard for us too, right? (Cristina: Yeah.) To ask for help. (Cristina: Yeah. Yeah.) Because we see our, we see like so much strong female independent women, like in our family, right? Who pushed through pain, who pushed through everything, and who did suck it up.

[00:07:41] Because they had to. Right? Because there wasn't an option. Like we have a choice they don't have. (Cristina: Yeah.) But I think we internalize that. Like, no, no, like I'm gonna just push twos, like forget this and I'm gonna do this. But the truth is like, if you ignore your body, you ignore signals and you ignore your feelings, you ignore intuition.

[00:07:57] Your body are gonna lets you know, like it's going to let you know in a way that you're gonna have to actually, it won't give you a choice in No, it's like, oh, you wanna play it? I'll show you. Okay.

[00:08:04] Cristina: Yeah. And I've seen it. It happened to me. (Arivee: Me too. Yeah.) Other people. (Arivee: Yeah.) At the end of the day, you know, we also live in a country that has a really shitty healthcare system, and God forbid something happens that's very serious.

[00:08:22] and now you are going to be in mountains of debt, or you now have to become reliant on, you know, some type of pill or (Arivee: medication. Yeah) medication, yeah. Or something when that could have all been avoided if you had just taken some time to listen to your body, right? Yeah. And so I tell people, you know, I tell my clients a lot of times, I, I convince my clients to leave their place of work for those.

[00:08:43] (Arivee: Yeah.) You know, if you're somewhere in year after year, month after month, it's not changing. You're trying to advocate for yourself. Like things are not changing and your body's feeling every single day, more and more anxiety or more and more stress, or more and more whatever, like it's not going to get better.

[00:08:59] Arivee: Right. Because you're, because you're doing the things you're doing. You're doing the thing

[00:09:02] Cristina: You need to go. (Arivee: Yeah. Yeah.) or set really strong boundaries. (Arivee: Yeah.) Of like, this is what you're gonna get from me. This is it. These are my boundaries. Not doing more. (Arivee: That's right. That's right. Right.) But something needs to change because so many people are, are just taught and I really do believe it's capitalism.

[00:09:21] (Arivee: Yeah.) That has taught us this, that, you know, you have to constantly be productive or fuck that means (Arivee: Yeah.) that you have to always be doing. Um, and that, you know, I always remind people, we're human. We're human being., not human doings. (Arivee: That's right. Right. We're not robots. We're not machines.) Exactly. We're not robots.

[00:09:41] We are not machines. As much as these tech companies try to make you be a robot in a machine, we are not. and you have to remind yourself that you know, your body also needs care. Your mind needs care. Your emotions need care. The people around you like that support you. They're, they're important, like you said, like those are the relationships that matter.

[00:10:01] These are the people. God forbid something happens. These are the people you're gonna lean on. You're not gonna lean on your job. (Arivee: Yeah.) To help you. If you have a psychotic breakdown, like whatcha, are you gonna do, call your manager to help me? No. Right. You're gonna call someone in your support network. And if you don't have that because you've been working your ass off then, or

[00:10:19] Arivee: How do you coach people through when they say, I just don't have time.

[00:10:23] I don't have time to take care of myself. Wait a minute. All of a sudden, selfcare, I don't have time for this.

[00:10:24] Cristina: Yeah, yeah. Well, I tell them, what will you do if you continue the way that you're going now? (Arivee: Mm-hmm) Right? And really trying to get them to see, like, if I continue on this trajectory, most likely I'm gonna have heart condition or something is going to happen.

[00:10:42] And really trying to get them to understand how important it is to take care of your health and to take care of yourself. I worked in recruiting. I've done hiring all the things like, you can get fired tomorrow or die tomorrow, and they'll replace you next week. And that's what people need to remember.

[00:10:58] It's like these companies, they're not looking out for you. They're looking out for themselves. They're looking out for their bottom line. Right? And you just happen to be a cog in the wheel, and you have to prioritize you because they will not prioritize you. Right? So for me, when someone says, I don't have the time, then I say, okay, if you don't make the time, then what's gonna happen?

[00:11:16] (Arivee: Mm-hmm) right? Because we all have the same time, Beyonce. The thing 24 hours. (Arivee: No, she doesn’t. No, she doesn’t) . She probably has more somehow. Yeah. . But you know what I mean? And I tell people all the amazing things that she does, she still takes time for herself. She still takes time to work out and eat healthy. And probably God knows what else she does.

[00:11:37] Right. All the other things to take care of herself. Right. And like if someone like Beyonce can do it, like what's stopping you? What is it? What's it going to take for you to realize that taking that time is essential? to your life, right? (Arivee: Yes.) And if you don't start doing it now, then when, (Arivee: mm-hmm) right?

[00:11:56] Because it's always gonna be something going on. There's always gonna be, that's right. Fires to put out or That's right. Shit happening with politics. I don't know what. Right. Things like just life and, and, and realizing too. I think another big realization for me, as you asked earlier, another huge realization for me was that uh, the only thing in this world I can control is myself, and that's it.

[00:12:18] (Arivee: Oh, yes.) I was here thinking, oh, you know, I can control my manager, or I can control my brother, or I can control my boyfriend, or I can con, you know, all these things. Realizing now, like you have absolutely con no control over anything, but yourself and how you react to things and how you decide to, you know, be in a situation and show up.

[00:12:42] And that's it. Like, you cannot con, you have kids, you can't control your kids. , you can try, but they're, they're gonna do what they wanna do, right?

[00:12:50] Arivee: Yes, yes. And the question, you know, one of the questions I always ask myself is, And I will ask this to clients too, is ask yourself, is this situation in my control?

[00:12:59] What can I control in the situation? What can I not? Covid is a perfect example. Mm-hmm. Okay. I cannot control a pandemic, but I can control how I spend my time, how I think about it, what new, what am I consuming?

[00:13:10] Cristina: Yeah. What do I eat? (Arivee: Yep.) What do I sleep? How do I rest? (Arivee: Yes.) Um, all of those things. And, and, and really that was a huge learning for me too.

[00:13:20] (Arivee: Mm-hmm) because I was kind of a control freak. Right. And I was just like, why are things not going the way I want and like beating myself up about it. Right. Like (Arivee: Yeah.) And then realizing, wait, that's not, that's really not in my control and the only thing I can control is how I now move forward from this.

[00:13:35] (Arivee: Yes.) Or how I decide to react in this situation. Yes. And I. , you know, that took a lot of unlearning, right? (Arivee: Yeah.) Because before I think I would be very reactive, and I would be very emotional and runoff emotion and obviously through age and and maturity and a lot of personal development and a lot of things.

[00:13:53] (Arivee: Yeah. I saw the work. You did mean work. Yes.) This is what absolutely. Um, I'm now able to, you know, I keep a calm head. You really can't like to phase me. Like you really, you really can't like to startle me. Like yes, I could get maybe upset, but then I think to myself, is this worth my energy. (Arivee: yes.) Do I wanna get on this person's level or is this even worth my time?

[00:14:12] (Arivee: Mm-hmm.) right? And, and realizing that energy is everything and like where you decide to spend your energy is crucial. Um, and where you decide not to, I can spend your energy. So, a lot of my, you know, with my clients as well, is also getting them to understand like, who they are, what do they actually care about?

[00:14:29] What do they value? What brings them joy? What depletes them? (Arivee: Yeah,) what gives them energy versus depletes their energy? And how can we do more of that, right? (Arivee: Yes,) that's right. What gives you energy and less of what depletes your energy. Um, and so a lot of the times, like my, my client, they come career coaching, right?

[00:14:47] They want a new job or promotion or negotiation or whatever they have going on in in their career. The reason I call it empowerment coaching, not just career coaching, um, is because they come for one [00:15:00] thing, right? They come for one, (Arivee: they need,) I want the new job. Right? (Arivee: They need more than that) but yes. But then they realize through coaching that really what they really need is, is that confidence, but they need is that push.

[00:15:13] The courage to really take their life into their own hands and live the life that they want to live. Not that their mom wants them to live or their That's right. Friends want them to live. Um, and so it is career coaching, but really it's empowering them to take control of themselves and to understand themselve.

[00:15:34] and also define what does success even look like for you? What is that a sweet, we're fed this like, well, you have to become a CEO to be successful. But like who said that? Right? (Arivee: That's right.) Is that applicable for you? (Arivee: And also do you really want that? Like you really do want that? Yeah. ) You know, for me, you know, the way I define success is, Success for me is doing what I love to do and pouring into people and empowering others to reach their [00:16:00] own levels of success.

[00:16:01] That for me, is what success is. (Arivee: Yeah.) And also having a balance, right. And being able to enjoy this beautiful thing we call life. Right? (Arivee: Yeah.) And looking at it that way, and it's like this world is magnificent. If you take the time to really explore it. And like take the time to try all the things right. And whether you're good at it or not, it doesn't matter, right?

[00:16:22] It's like trying, whether that's, you know, I wanna learn, like this year I wanna learn guitar. That's one of the things I wanna learn. (Arivee: Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm.) I play piano, but I wanna learn guitar and that's nothing, no financial value, right? I'm not doing it to get hired as a guitarist. (Arivee: No. Make money.) Right? It's just something that I know will bring me joy and that is beautiful.

[00:16:40] And, and like also giving people, especially black and brown women. That permission, that's right. To do things that bring you joy. That (Arivee: just because, just,) just right or just resting and not feeling guilty about it and, and taking that trip, if that's really what's gonna fulfill you, you know, and, and [00:17:00] really giving women of color the permission to enjoy life.

[00:17:04] and not feel guilty for it. (Arivee: Yeah.) And putting yourself first and not feeling guilty for it. Because I mean, you have, you have children. I don't have children, but if I ever do have children, like I wanna pour from a full cup, I don't wanna pour from an empty cup. (Arivee: Yeah.) Like I wanna be full, complete, whole, happy that I can give as much as I can.

[00:17:23] (Arivee: Oh) to a child versus, (Arivee: yeah) you know you're depleted, and you're upset all the time and you're angry and you hate your job, and you have all this stress, whether you like it or not, you're gonna pass that on to your children. And so, thinking about that too, right? How are we filling our own cups?

[00:17:40] Arivee: That's absolutely true. As a mom of three young ones, I will say that every day is different, but I still have to do certain habits every day for myself. (Cristina: Mm-hmm) because if I don't, then I will be off the rails. Meaning off the rails, meaning mentally like I need to have certain things that I'm doing every day that has nothing to do with them.

[00:17:57] Yeah, that's so true. Cristina, are you ready for rapid fire? I'm gonna do a rapid fire round with you. (Cristina: Ready for rapid fire.) Okay. What is your favorite book or books?

Cristina: All right. One of my favorite books is The Alchemist. (Arivee: Yes) Al la Colo. Just look at that book. Um, another one, one of the best books. Another one is Brene Brown, dare to Lead Brene Brown.

[00:18:20] And then the last one, this one's random and this one was a favorite as a child, and I still love this book. And I think, again, intuitively, even as a kid, I think I just knew this was my purpose. The Giver. (Arivee: Ooh. Ooh, okay.) That was just my book. (Arivee: That's, that's not random. That is not random.) It's not random. But I remember being like 10 years old reading it and like feeling so empowered by it.

[00:18:44] And I was like, wow, this is just an incredible book. And, and now when I read it again, I'm like, oh, (Arivee: oh, that's why) how coach it kind of like the giver. (Arivee: Yeah. Yeah.) Right. And I'm just like, wow. Like I kind of knew intuitively at that age, like this is what I wanted to do. Right. Be the yes. Be the deliverer of truth.

[00:19:02] Arivee: Yes. Okay. Favorite mantra or saying that is motivational to you or inspiring to you?

[00:19:05] Cristina: I would say one of them is, well, one, this one's very cliche, but I use this one all the time. Is your network is your net worth. (Arivee: Okay.) Just one that I'm always using, especially in career coaching. (Arivee: Yeah.) As people have asked me, you know, how you navigated your career.

[00:19:19] I'm like networking. I think building relationships. (Arivee: Relationships,) yeah. Understanding that people at the end of the day, whether you like it or not, hire who they know and who they like. That's the way the world works. I'm sorry to break it to you, but that's just the way the world works and so understanding that your network, the community that you build around you is so important.

[00:19:38] and powerful and really detrimental to opportunities that you have in the future. (Arivee: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.) Um, I've had amazing opportunities. Pretty much every job I've had has been through a referral or people who know me, and I've had amazing opportunities come up from not just networking and give people, giving me opportunities, but also me connecting people with opportunities.

[00:19:57] Like it's just something I love to do. So, your network is your. Net worth. And then another mantra that I really love, and it's an African proverb, but I don't know why I'm forgetting the exact phrase right now, but it's like, alone you can go far together, we can go farther or something like that at the, I have to look it up.

[00:20:13] But it's something like that. Um, and again, it's just the value of, of community and realizing like you don't have to do it alone. You can ask for help. You don't have to feel isolated, that no one else is gonna understand what you're going through. (Arivee: Mm-hmm.) and asking for help is not. at the end of the day, you know this, like we are social beings, right?

[00:20:32] Like human beings can't live in isolation. We're supposed to be communal. We're supposed to be a community. We're supposed to be in a society together. And part of that is, you know, when you're down asking for help, right? And, and vice versa. If someone else is down and you're able to be there for them, be there for. Right.

[00:20:49] And just like really holding each other, I don't wanna say accountable, but holding each other, giving each other that space and, and the grace and the love, because we don't see that enough. It's very scary to me because I feel like, especially now in this hybrid world, post pandemic covid world, I feel like we've lost so much of that human connection and it's good.

[00:21:09] Arivee: Yeah. And that's what people need the most. They don't realize that, that they, it's what we need.

[00:21:11] Cristina: We need, it's why there's so much depression. (Arivee: Mm-hmm). like rise in suicide, you know, these crazy people shooting people up, like it's all a cry for love. (Arivee: Mm-hmm., Mm-hmm.) connection. (Arivee: Mm-hmm.) and understanding. Right. And, and inclusivity.

[00:21:26] People wanna feel like they belong and when they don't feel like they belong. . That's when all crazy shit happens.

[00:21:36] Arivee: They’re basic human needs. (Cristina: Yeah, yeah, yeah.) With that, Cristina, tell us how we can find you, how we can work with you.

[00:21:41] Cristina: Of course. So, I'm currently taking on coaching clients, and again, I do career and empowerment coaching.

[00:21:47] So one program I have is if you really are on the job search and like. . I don't know where I'm gonna start. I feel overwhelmed. Definitely. I'm happy to take you on for career coaching. Empowerment. Coaching is more finding that inner leader. (Arivee: Mm-hmm.) whether that's personal in your personal life, professional life.

[00:22:02] I'm a believer that they coexist. (Arivee: Yes.) Like, you know, your professional life definitely seeps into your personal and vice versa. So really finding that balance. So you can find me online. I'm at I'm also on LinkedIn, Christina Costa. You can email me.

[00:22:22] Currently, I'm thinking about building an Instagram. That's kind of my 2023. I might do an Instagram. (Arivee: Okay.) Yeah, just because I feel like everybody's on Instagram, so I'm like, maybe I should do an Instagram account. So I am taking on coaching clients. I also do HR and diversity equity and inclusion consulting work specifically around talent acquisition.

[00:22:40] So right now I'm training, I'm do I do inclusivity training. . Um, so trying to make more talent acquisition teams, equitable hiring practices, coaching also their hiring managers. Mm. Because they're really the gatekeepers at a lot of these companies. You know, recruiters can do all the work and find all the amazing talent and put in all the time right.

[00:23:01] To, to diversify a pipeline. But the real decision maker or the hiring, (Arivee: mm-hmm.) so many of them are biased. They don't know what goes into hiring., you know, they don't understand the difference between competencies, and you know, qualifications and so just really getting everybody on board there. It's one of my missions.

[00:23:19] I also teach SHRM certification classes. (Arivee: Oh, nice.) Yeah. Through a company called Human Capital Institute, and one of my goals there is actually to create a SHRM certification training for hiring managers specif. I think if you're, you know, if you have that power, if you have that seat to be determining who enters a company and who doesn't and who gets the opportunity and who doesn't, um, then you also need to be trained adequately.

[00:23:45] Um, and you need to understand that, you know, you do have biases. . (Arivee:  Yes.) And that they, they need to be checked. Mm-hmm. and I love checking people . So that's, that's, (Arivee: I know that's) my favorite thing to do. So, yeah, that's a little bit about me. And then the last thing I'm building right now, and this is not for my business, but actually another business that I work for, I'm building a community of online, um, job seekers.

[00:24:06] It's comprised of coaches, recruiters, job seekers, industry leaders. It's called the Career Journey. (Arivee: Love it.) Right now it's, it's on Slack. It's an online community And really it was created as a way for people who on the job search or maybe been laid off to not feel so isolated, to not feel like you're going through this alone.

[00:24:25] And maybe if, you know, you can't afford coaching right now. Cause coaching isn't cheap. I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna lie and say it is, it's not, uh, (Arivee: it's an investment. It's an investment) for sure. Uh, but if you're not able to, you know, make that investment right now, you could join the career journey. We have 50% off membership, which is $60 a month right now.

[00:24:44] And you get access to, as I said, Coaches, Recruiters. We do professional development, monthly events. We do LinkedIn trainings, resume trainings, networking, and just really trying to get people the support they need as they navigate their careers.

[00:25:00] Arivee: Amazing. Amazing. I'll add those links in the show notes so that people can access all of it. Yes. Perfect. (Cristina: Yeah.)

[00:25:18] Arivee: Thank you so much for joining me you.

[00:25:21] Cristina: Thank you Arivee

(Music Plays)

[00:25:23] Arivee: Thank you so much for listening. If you are a woman lawyer or a woman working in other fast-paced corporate, and you're looking to feel less overwhelmed and unsure and more empowered and fulfilled in your career and your personal life. Join my Women Empowering Women email community by going to to sign up, or you can click the link in the note of this episode.

[00:25:49] Don't forget to also grab my five-step guide on how to get clarity. On what needs to change to feel good about your life in this season and how to make that change happen. You can get it or scroll down in the notes to this episode and click on the link. Finally, if you're loving these episodes, spread that love by reviewing and rating this podcast so we can get more women feeling heard, feeling seen, inspired, and empowered.

[00:26:22] Until then, remember that you have way more power than you can imagine creating the change you want and deserve in your life. To live a life, you feel good about. You're powerful now. So harness it now is your time.

(Exit Music)


Weekend plans


Happiness is key