Weekend plans

I’m riding solo with my kiddos today. Well, two of them. The youngest is sick and abuela’s got her.

We have a birthday party, a trip to CVS to pick up a gift bag for the present (yes waiting until the last minute), some errands, eating at one of their favorite places, and definitely a trip to the park to get their sillies out.

I could either be anxious or nervous about the day, or look at it like an opportunity to spend some solo quality time with my two oldest kids.

I’m grateful I can spend this day with them.

Just me and them.

Fully present.

All in.

No distractions.

And then I’ll make time for me today too when they go to bed.

Because I need quality time with myself too.

We can’t forget about making space for ourselves even during or after a packed day.

Have a beautiful Saturday with those you love. ❤️

P.S. This short video is a throwback to the summer- this is them all the time though, when they’re aren’t arguing.😂

#love #parenting #womensupportingwomen #relationships


There is no manual…


Surviving to thriving (II)